October 2023

Embroidered Textile Speaker

Full paper download This research paper focuses on the development and evaluation of embroidered textile electroacoustic transducer (speaker). The paper was presented by Julie Hladikova and Jiri Navratil, Research and Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering (RICE), University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic at the 4th PCNS 10-14th September 2023, Sønderborg, Denmark as paper No. 2.8. selected by

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Experimental Demonstration of Inductor Back Electromotive Force EMF

This video by Dr. Ali Shirsavar from Biricha is a follow up from a previous video on inductor behaviour in a switching power supply with practical demonstration of inductor EMF electromotive force. In one of our previous videos here: Inductor Behaviour in a Switching Power Supply we explained the action of an inductor in a

Experimental Demonstration of Inductor Back Electromotive Force EMF Read More »

3-terminal Capacitor Benefits to Suppress EMI Noise

This article is based on Murata application note on 3-terminal capacitor use to suppress EMI radiated emission noise and improve conducted immunity. Noise-control techniques are becoming increasingly important due to high-speed operation of ICs and electrification of automobiles. This application note introduces examples of using the 3-terminal ceramic capacitor as a filter (feed-through connection) for radiated

3-terminal Capacitor Benefits to Suppress EMI Noise Read More »

DRAM & NAND Flash Prices to Increase

DRAM and NAND Flash prices are set to increase in the fourth quarter, according to TrendForce: DRAM prices are projected to grow  about 3-8 percent. Whether this upward momentum can be sustained will hinge on the suppliers’ steadfastness in maintaining production cuts and the degree of resurgence in actual demand with the general-purpose server market…

DRAM & NAND Flash Prices to Increase Read More »

Impulse Embedded offers Aetina’s AIE-PX box PC series

The AIE-PX11, AIE-PX12, AIE-PX21 and AIE-PX22 are fanless edge AI box PCs from Aetina, now available from Impulse Embedded. The fanless embedded box PCs rely on passive cooling methods such as heat sinks or heat spreaders to dissipate heat generated by the internal components. This design choice enhances reliability by eliminating a potential point of

Impulse Embedded offers Aetina’s AIE-PX box PC series Read More »

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